For each of the Eloquent models you wish to use with Runway, you’ll need to define a ‘resource’.
A resource basically tells Runway about the model and how you’d like it to be configured - which blueprint to use, whether it should be manageable in the CP, etc.
You can define resources inside the configuration file published during installation. It’s located in config/runway.php
<?phpreturn [/*|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| Resources|--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Configure the resources (models) you'd like to be available in Runway.|*/'resources' => [//],];
<?phpreturn [/*|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| Resources|--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Configure the resources (models) you'd like to be available in Runway.|*/'resources' => [//],];
There three steps to defining a Runway Resource: first you need to add it to Runway's resources
array like so:
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders',],],
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders',],],
Second, you need to add the HasRunwayResource
trait to your Eloquent model.
// app/Models/Order.phpuse StatamicRadPack\Runway\Traits\HasRunwayResource;class Order extends Model{use HasRunwayResource;}
// app/Models/Order.phpuse StatamicRadPack\Runway\Traits\HasRunwayResource;class Order extends Model{use HasRunwayResource;}
Finally, you can start adding fields to your resource's blueprint. To learn more about using Blueprints in Runway, please review the Blueprints page.
If you're moving a collection to the database, use the php please runway:import-collection
command. It'll help you set up everything you need, including moving your entries to the database.
There’s about a dozen configuration options available for resources, they are all documented below.
By default, Runway provides a Control Panel interface for managing your models.
If you’d like to hide the CP Nav Item that’s registered for this model, just say so:
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders','hidden' => true,],],
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders','hidden' => true,],],
Bear in mind, this will just hide the Nav Item for the CP interface, it won’t actually get rid of the routes being registered. If someone knows where to look, they could still use the CP to manage your models (they could guess the URL).
If you want to take advantage of Runway’s front-end routing abilities, you can pass in a route
to enable it.
Your route
can include Antlers code - the variables available are driven by the resource’s blueprint.
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders','route' => '/my-orders/{{ id }}',],],
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders','route' => '/my-orders/{{ id }}',],],
You may also specify the template
and layout
you want to use when front-end routing.
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders','route' => '/my-orders/{{ id }}','template' => '','layout' => 'default',],],
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders','route' => '/my-orders/{{ id }}','template' => '','layout' => 'default',],],
You may also specify if you want a resource to be 'read only' - eg. users will not be able to create models and when editing, all fields will be marked as read only and no save button will be displayed.
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders','read_only' => true,],],
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders','read_only' => true,],],
Sometimes you may want to change the order that your models are returned in the Control Panel listing table. You can use the order_by
and order_by_direction
configuration options to tell Runway the order you wish models to be returned.
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders',// In this case, orders will the highest total will be displayed first.'order_by' => 'total','order_by_direction' => 'DESC',],],
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders',// In this case, orders will the highest total will be displayed first.'order_by' => 'total','order_by_direction' => 'DESC',],],
When Runway displays models inside inside the Control Panel (eg. in relationship fields, in search), it'll default to showing the first listable field it can find, based on your blueprint.
If you'd like to specify a different field, you may do so by setting the title_field
option on your resource.
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders','title_field' => 'name',],],
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders','title_field' => 'name',],],
The search_index
option allows you to specify a search index which should be used when search models in the Control Panel listing table.
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders','search_index' => 'my_search_index',],],
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders','search_index' => 'my_search_index',],],
To help with performance, Runway will automatically "eager load" any Eloquent relationships it knows about based on the fields you've defined in your blueprint.
However, if you wish, you can override the relationships that get eager loaded by providing the with
option on your resource:
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders','with' => ['lineItems', 'customer'],],],
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders','with' => ['lineItems', 'customer'],],],
If you're writing content that you would like to be able to store without publishing right away, you can add the published
config option to your resource's config array. It'll allow you to have published & unpublished models, with all of the status indicators and filtering you'd expect.
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders','published' => true, // Assumes the model has a `published` boolean column.'published' => 'is_active', // Otherwise, you can specify the column name.],],
'resources' => [\App\Models\Order::class => ['name' => 'Orders','published' => true, // Assumes the model has a `published` boolean column.'published' => 'is_active', // Otherwise, you can specify the column name.],],
By default, it'll use a published
column in the database to keep track of the model's "status". You're free to change the name of this column as needed.
Runway won't automatically add this database column for you, you will need to add it yourself:
php Schema::table('products', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->boolean('published'); });
If you want to prevent new models being created via the Control Panel, you can mark the resource's blueprint as "Hidden":
hide: true
hide: true
In much the same way with entries, you can create custom Actions which will be usable in the listing tables provided by Runway.
You can register them in the same way as you normally would.
The only thing that’s different is the fact that instead of filtering down to just Entry
objects for example, you can filter by your model, like Order
use App\Models\Order;public function visibleTo($item){return $item instanceof Order;}
use App\Models\Order;public function visibleTo($item){return $item instanceof Order;}
If you're unsure about the handle of a resource, you may want to check it. You may do so with the php please runway:resources
command which will display a list of Runway Resources.