Upgrade Guide: v7.x to v8.0



Please don't upgrade multiple major versions at once (eg. from v6 to v8). You should upgrade one major version at a time.

To get started with the upgrade process, follow the below steps:

1. In your composer.json file, change the statamic-rad-pack/runway version constraint to ^8.0:

"statamic-rad-pack/runway": "^8.0"
"statamic-rad-pack/runway": "^8.0"

2. Then run:

composer update statamic-rad-pack/runway --with-dependencies
composer update statamic-rad-pack/runway --with-dependencies

3. Next, please ensure you have cleared the route and view caches:

php artisan route:clear
php artisan view:clear
php artisan route:clear
php artisan view:clear

4. You're now running Runway v8. Please review this upgrade guide for information on changes which may affect your project.

Please test your project locally before deploying to production!

High impact changes

Changes to Nested Fields

Affects apps using nested JSON fields.

In previous versions of Runway, nested fields were configured using the -> separator.

However, in Statamic 5, validation around field handles has been tightened up, and > is no longer considered a valid character in field handles.

To work around this, v8 introduces some changes around how nested fields are configured:

  1. Instead of using -> to separate the column name and the JSON key in field handles, you should now use an underscore:

    handle: address->street_name
    handle: address_street_name # //
    type: text
    display: 'Street Name'
    handle: address->street_name
    handle: address_street_name # //
    type: text
    display: 'Street Name'
  2. You should also specify the "nested field prefixes" (eg. the JSON column names) in your Runway config file. This will allow Runway to determine which fields are nested.

    Order::class => [
    'nested_field_prefixes' => [
    Order::class => [
    'nested_field_prefixes' => [

As an upside of this new approach, nested fields can now be used with Runway's GraphQL API.

Low impact changes

Removal of the cp_icon config option

The cp_icon configuration option has been removed in Runway 8, in favour of being able to change the icon using Statamic's Nav Preferences feature.

'resources' => [
\App\Models\Order::class => [
'name' => 'Orders',
'cp_icon' => 'date',
'resources' => [
\App\Models\Order::class => [
'name' => 'Orders',
'cp_icon' => 'date',

Generate Migrations command has been removed

The runway:generate-migrations command has been removed in favour of the new runway:import-collection command which handles the entire process of generating Eloquent models, database migrations and importing entries.

Previous upgrade guides

You may also view a diff of changes between v7.x and v8.0