
As explained in the Statamic Docs, Blueprints are a key component to the content modeling process. They let you define the fields that should be available in the Control Panel and the way your data is stored.

Creating & managing blueprints

Every resource will have it's own blueprint. Just like with collections, you can manage the blueprints in the Control Panel.

Runway blueprints in the Control Panel

When configuring fields, make sure that the field handles in your blueprint should match up exactly with the column names in the database, otherwise bad things will happen. You'll also want to ensure the database column type matches the fieldtype you're trying to use (see Supported Fieldtypes).

Supported Fieldtypes

Runway supports pretty much ALL fieldtypes available in Statamic, including Bard. As long as you have the correct fieldtype and the correct column type, everything should "just work"!

For simplicity, here's a table matching Statamic's Core fieldtypes with the correct column types:

Fieldtype Column Type Notes
Array json
Asset Container string/json
Assets string/json
Bard string/json If 'Display HTML' is true, then Bard will save as a string.
Button Group string
Checkboxes json
Code string
Collections string/json If 'Max items' is 1, column type should be string. Otherwise, json is what you want.
Color string
Date string/range Format is specified field configuration options. Ranges are should be stored as json.
Dictionary string/json If 'Max items' is 1, column type should be string. Otherwise, json is what you want.
Entries string/json If 'Max items' is 1, column type should be string. Otherwise, json is what you want.
Form string/json If 'Max items' is 1, column type should be string. Otherwise, json is what you want.
Grid json
Group json
Hidden string
HTML - UI only
Icon string
Integer integer
Link json
List json
Markdown string
Navs string/json
Radio string
Range string
Replicator json
Revealer - UI only
Section - UI only
Select string/integer/json
Sites string/json
Slug string
Spacer - UI only
Structures json
Table json
Tags json
Taxonomies string/json
Template string
Terms string/json
Text string
Textarea string
Time string
Toggle boolean
User Groups string/json When the resource is the User model, you don't need to create a column for this fieldtype.
User Roles string/json When the resource is the User model, you don't need to create a column for this fieldtype.
Users string/integer/json
Video string
Width integer
YAML string

Eloquent Relationships

Runway provides two fieldtypes to let you manage Eloquent Relationships within Statamic:

  • Belongs To
  • Has Many

To find out more about Runway's fieldtypes, check out the Fieldtypes page.

Nesting fields inside JSON columns

To avoid needing to create a migration for every new field you add to a blueprint, fields can be stored within JSON columns.

To do this, you'll first need to configure the JSON column under the nested_field_prefixes key in your config/runway.php config file.

'resources' => [
Order::class => [
'nested_field_prefixes' => [
'resources' => [
Order::class => [
'nested_field_prefixes' => [

Then, when you're adding fields to your blueprint, simply prefix the column name, like shown below, and Runway will be smart enough to read/write from your JSON column. 🧠

handle: address_street_name # Represents the street_name key, in the address column.
type: text
display: 'Street Name'
handle: address_street_name # Represents the street_name key, in the address column.
type: text
display: 'Street Name'

Heads up! In order for Nested Fields to work, you'll need to define a cast for the JSON column in your Eloquent model.

protected function casts(): array
return [
'address' => 'array', // or 'json', AsArrayObject::class
protected function casts(): array
return [
'address' => 'array', // or 'json', AsArrayObject::class

Generating migrations from your blueprints

If you’ve already created a blueprint for your model(s) and still need to do the database side of things, Runway can help!

Runway can automatically generate migrations for your models, based on the fields defined in your blueprint, and their configurations.

To generate a migration for a specific blueprint:

php please runway:generate-migrations resource-handle
php please runway:generate-migrations resource-handle

You may also run this same command for all resources pending a migration.

php please runway:generate-migrations
php please runway:generate-migrations

Computed Fields

Like Statamic Core, Runway supports the concept of Computed Fields. However, instead of the computed values being part of a callback in your AppServiceProvider, they're accessors on your Eloquent model.

For example, if you wanted to have a full_name field that's computed based on the user's first & last name, you'd do something like this in your User model:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts\Attribute;
public function fullName(): Attribute
return Attribute::make(
get: function () {
return "{$this->first_name} {$this->last_name}";
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts\Attribute;
public function fullName(): Attribute
return Attribute::make(
get: function () {
return "{$this->first_name} {$this->last_name}";

Then, in your user blueprint, you'd set the field's visibility to "Computed":

Field's visibility set to computed


It's worth noting, Runway requires any accessors to be public functions, otherwise the attributes won't be augmentable.