
There’s no point storing data in a database for it never to be used, is there?


Runway provides a {{ runway }} Antlers tag to enable you to get model data for your resources.

For example, if you wish to create a listing/index page for a resource, you can use the tag like shown below:

{{ runway:post }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>{{ intro_text }}</p>
{{ /runway:post }}
{{ runway:post }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>{{ intro_text }}</p>
{{ /runway:post }}

There’s a bunch of helpful parameters you can use on the tag as well…


You may use the sort parameter to adjust the order of the results.

{{ runway:post sort="title:asc" }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>{{ intro_text }}</p>
{{ /runway:post }}
{{ runway:post sort="title:asc" }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>{{ intro_text }}</p>
{{ /runway:post }}

Eloquent Scopes

If you've defined a scope on your Eloquent model and you want to filter by that in your front-end you may use the scope parameter.

// app/Models/Post.php
public function scopeFood($query)
$query->whereIn('title', ['Pasta', 'Apple', 'Burger']);
// app/Models/Post.php
public function scopeFood($query)
$query->whereIn('title', ['Pasta', 'Apple', 'Burger']);
{{ runway:post scope="food" }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>{{ intro_text }}</p>
{{ /runway:post }}
{{ runway:post scope="food" }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>{{ intro_text }}</p>
{{ /runway:post }}

If you need to you can provide arguments to the scope like so:

{{ runway:post scope="food:argument" }}
{{ runway:post scope="food:argument" }}

In the above example, argument can either be a string or we'll grab it from 'the context' (the available variables) if we can find it.

You may also provide multiple scopes, if that's something you need...

{{ runway:post scope="food:argument|fastfood" }}
{{ runway:post scope="food:argument|fastfood" }}


Just like with the collection tag, you may filter your results like so:

{{ runway:post where="author_name:duncan" }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>{{ intro_text }}</p>
{{ /runway:post }}
{{ runway:post where="author_name:duncan" }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>{{ intro_text }}</p>
{{ /runway:post }}

You can also query Belongs To / Has Many fields using the where parameter. Simply provide the ID(s) of the related models.

{{ runway:post where="categories:2" }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>{{ intro_text }}</p>
{{ /runway:post }}
{{ runway:post where="categories:2" }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>{{ intro_text }}</p>
{{ /runway:post }}

Eager Loading

If your model has a relationship that you'd like to bring into the template, you may specify the with parameter.

{{ runway:post with="user" }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>By {{ user:name }}</p>
{{ /runway:post }}
{{ runway:post with="user" }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>By {{ user:name }}</p>
{{ /runway:post }}

You can specify multiple relationships to eager load, just separate with pipes.

{{ runway:post with="user|comments" }}
{{ runway:post with="user|comments" }}

Hot Tip

Eager Loading can make a massive difference in the speed of your queries.


If you only want X number of results returned instead of ALL of them, you may specify a limit.

{{ runway:post limit="15" }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>{{ intro_text }}</p>
{{ /runway:post }}
{{ runway:post limit="15" }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>{{ intro_text }}</p>
{{ /runway:post }}


As with the collection tag, you may use the as parameter to scope your results.

{{ runway:post as="posts" }}
{{ posts }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>{{ intro_text }}</p>
{{ /posts }}
{{ /runway:post }}
{{ runway:post as="posts" }}
{{ posts }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>{{ intro_text }}</p>
{{ /posts }}
{{ /runway:post }}

Count Tag

When you just want to know how many results you have, you can use the {{ runway:count }} tag.

{{ runway:count from="posts" }}
{{ runway:count from="posts" }}

You can use the where parameter to filter the results:

{{ runway:count from="posts" where="author_name:duncan" }}
{{ runway:count from="posts" where="author_name:duncan" }}

Publish State

By default, when you're using Runway's Publish States feature, only published models are included. Models can be queried against published or draft status with conditions on status like this:

{{ runway:post status="published" }}
{{ posts }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>{{ intro_text }}</p>
{{ /posts }}
{{ /runway:post }}
{{ runway:post status="published" }}
{{ posts }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>{{ intro_text }}</p>
{{ /posts }}
{{ /runway:post }}


If you want to paginate your results onto multiple pages, you can use the paginate parameter, along with scoping and limiting.

Using the Runway tag with pagination is a little more complicated but it’s not rocket science.

{{ runway:post as="posts" paginate="true" limit="10" }}
{{ if no_results }}
<p>Nothing has been posted yet. Sad times.</p>
{{ /if }}
{{ posts }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>{{ intro_text }}</p>
{{ /posts }}
{{ paginate }}
{{ if prev_page }}
<a href="{{ prev_page }}">Previous</a>
{{ /if }}
<span>Page {{ current_page }} of {{ total_pages }}</span>
{{ if next_page }}
<a href="{{ next_page }}">Next</a>
{{ /if }}
{{ /paginate }}
{{ /runway:post }}
{{ runway:post as="posts" paginate="true" limit="10" }}
{{ if no_results }}
<p>Nothing has been posted yet. Sad times.</p>
{{ /if }}
{{ posts }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>{{ intro_text }}</p>
{{ /posts }}
{{ paginate }}
{{ if prev_page }}
<a href="{{ prev_page }}">Previous</a>
{{ /if }}
<span>Page {{ current_page }} of {{ total_pages }}</span>
{{ if next_page }}
<a href="{{ next_page }}">Next</a>
{{ /if }}
{{ /paginate }}
{{ /runway:post }}


All the results output from the Runway tag are ‘augmented’, which essentially means everything is the same as you’d expect if you had the same data in an entry.

The process of augmentation takes a value (from the database in our case) and processes it via the fieldtype into a value appropriate for the front-end.

Let’s imagine you have an Assets field in your blueprint, you may have something selected for the field. In the database, the path to the asset is stored.

When this field is then augmented, Statamic does a lookup of the asset by it’s path and spits out variables like url, alt and a couple of others.

(There’s another explanation of augmentation over on the Statamic documentation)