
Runway provides two fieldtypes to let you manage Eloquent relationships within Statamic: Belongs To & Has Many.

You can not only use these fieldtypes to represent Eloquent relationships on your models but you can also use them to relate Eloquent models to entries/terms, it's almost like magic 🪄.

Belongs To

You can use the Belongs To fieldtype to relate to a single Eloquent model.

To configure the Belongs To fieldtype, you'll need to ensure you've created the belongsTo relationship on your model:

// app/Models/Post.php
public function author()
return $this->belongsTo(Author::class);

You'll next need to add the field to your resource's blueprint:

# resources/blueprints/post.yaml
handle: author_id
max_items: 1
mode: default
resource: author
create: true
display: 'Author'
type: 'belongs_to'

Make sure resource is set to the handle of the 'related resource' (in this case, the one for the Author model). You should also ensure the handle of the field is set to the name of the Belongs To column in the database, like author_id.


When using this fieldtype on Entries / Terms, you don't need to create an Eloquent relationship and you can name your field anything (it doesn't need to be in the format model_id).

HasMany fieldtype

Screenshot of the Has Many Fieldtype

You can use the Has Many fieldtype to relate to multiple Eloquent models.

To configure the Has Many fieldtype, you'll need to ensure you've created a hasMany/morphedByMany relationship on your model:

// app/Models/Post.php
public function categories()
return $this->hasMany(Category::class);

You'll next need to add the field to your resource's blueprint:

# resources/blueprints/post.yaml
handle: categories
type: has_many
resource: category
mode: default
display: Categories

Make sure resource is set to the handle of the 'related resource' (in this case, the one for the Category model). You should also ensure the handle of the field is the same as the name of the Eloquent relationship.


When using this fieldtype on Entries / Terms, you obviously don't need to create an Eloquent relationship so you can name your field anything.

Re-ordering relationships

If you'd like users to be able to re-orderable models in your Has Many field, you may set reorderable to true and specify the column you'd like to use to store the order.

If you're using a pivot table for the relationship, the order column must exist on the pivot table.

# resources/blueprints/post.yaml
handle: categories
type: has_many
resource: category
mode: default
display: Categories
orderable: true // [tl! add]
order_column: sort_order // [tl! add]


You can use the HasMany fieldtype to handle belongsToMany relationships. Simply add a HasMany fieldtype to both sides of the relationship and you'll be golden!

Title Format

The title_format configuration option allows you to specify a title format to be used when related models are displayed in the Control Panel.

You can even use Antlers when specifying a title_format.

# resources/blueprints/post.yaml
handle: categories
type: has_many
resource: category
mode: default
display: Categories
title_format: 'Category ID {{ id }}: {{ name }}' // [tl! add]

Eager Loading

If you wish, you can configure additional relationships to be eager loaded with the field:

# resources/blueprints/post.yaml
handle: categories
type: has_many
resource: category
mode: default
display: Categories
- 'parentCategory'